Can green smoothies make your poop green

Green smoothies have gained popularity as a nutritious beverage, but many might be surprised to learn they can also influence the color of your stool. This article explores why green smoothies can make your poop green and delves into the science behind this phenomenon.

Understanding Stool Color

The typical color of human stool is brown, primarily due to the presence of bilirubin and bile. These are byproducts of the digestive process, with bilirubin produced when the body breaks down old red blood cells. Although variations in diet can usually lead to changes in stool color, green is an interesting and common variation.

Factors Contributing to Green Stool

  • Chlorophyll: One of the main reasons for green stool is the high chlorophyll content found in dark leafy greens used to make green smoothies, such as spinach, kale, and chard.
  • Artificial Dyes: Foods with artificial coloring can alter stool color. Brightly colored candies or processed foods may have unexpected consequences.
  • Beta Carotene: Foods rich in beta carotene or other pigments can also influence stool color.
  • Digestive Speed: Rapid transit time through the digestive tract, often due to diarrhea, can prevent bile from breaking down completely, leading to a green hue.

The Role of Chlorophyll in Green Smoothies

Chlorophyll plays a vital role in the green color of plants and can have a noticeable impact on our digestive health. When consumed in large quantities through green smoothies, chlorophyll can pass through the digestive system without complete breakdown, resulting in green-colored stool.

This is a normal occurrence and often a sign that you are increasing your intake of nutrient-rich foods.

Dietary Influences on Stool Color

In addition to chlorophyll, there are various other factors related to diet that can contribute to changing stool color. Some of these include:

  • Foods with Dyes: Brightly colored foods can add unintended hues to your stool.
  • Other Pigments: Consuming fruits and vegetables high in pigments besides chlorophyll can also alter stool color.
  • Bile and Digestive Enzymes: Enzymes and bile can mix with the pigments, leading to variations in stool color.

Digestive Movement and Its Effects

The speed at which food moves through your digestive tract can significantly affect stool color. This is particularly relevant in cases of diarrhea or a rapid transit time, which may prevent the complete breakdown of bile. Consequently, the stool may contain non-processed bile, resulting in a greenish tint.

Health Considerations

While experiencing green poop due to green smoothies is usually harmless, it’s essential to monitor any accompanying symptoms. Persistent changes in stool color accompanied by:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Blood in the stool

should prompt a consultation with a healthcare provider, as they could be indicative of underlying health issues.


In conclusion, consuming green smoothies can indeed lead to a change in stool color, often resulting in a green hue. This change is typically harmless and reflects a healthy increase in the consumption of vegetables. Staying vigilant about any significant digestive changes ensures overall health.